Building, Land & Lease Inventory of Property
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Welcome to the State of Georgia's
Consolidated Database of Real Property Assets

Building, Land and Lease Inventory of Property (BLLIP) is the result of both executive and legislative actions indicating the need for a centralized data warehouse of the State's holdings in leases, buildings, land, and other assets. BLLIP is also the repository for Risk Management Services, administered by the Department of Administrative Services, relating to State insurance coverage for such real property assets.

BLLIP is an interactive web-based geographical information system. Users are able to query, search and prepare reports using real time information about State owned and leased properties and buildings. Information can be downloaded into Excel spreadsheets and Access databases.

In the BLLIP database, Building refers to those facilities owned by the State and/or by State entities; Land means property owned and held in the name of the State or by State entities; Lease refers both to commercial leases administered by the SPC Transaction Management Program and executed on behalf of State entities as well as leased properties held by State entities involving acreage.

Every time you enter BLLIP, you must acknowledge that you have read and understand a disclaimer regarding the use and limitations of BLLIP. To review this disclaimer, click here.

BLLIP was developed and implemented in collaboration with the Georgia State Properties Commission and the Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) division of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia. Carl Vinson Institute of Government Georgia State Properties Commission